Will Thackway and Zoe Zagami at Balmain Sports Medicine.
Balmain & District Football Club (BDFC) is proud to announce our new local physiotherapy partner, Balmain Sports Medicine. The partnership brings Australia’s largest community football club together with Sydney’s largest sports medicine centre, and a shared commitment to improving opportunities to play healthier, longer and better.
At BDFC, we believe football is a sport for everyone. With over 2,800 players – from 4-year-olds to over 70s – we want all our members to engage in football in a healthy, happy way. We want our junior members to play to the best of their ability, our adolescent teams to embrace a healthy, active lifestyle, and our older members to stay agile, flexible, fit and without injury.
As our physio partner, Balmain Sports Medicine (BSM) will help devise plans, programs and information which can assist our members train, play and remain injury-free. Through targeted team/player/coach sessions, Balmain Sports Medicine will be able to share their knowledge directly with members.
“Balmain Sports Medicine is excited to be partnering with Balmain & District Football Club for the 2021/22 seasons,” said principal physiotherapist Craig Gregory. “As the biggest football club in Sydney, we’re looking forward to providing our Physiotherapy services to BDFC players and families, as well as providing priority access to our support services for club members 7 days a week, which includes Massage, Podiatry, Pilates, Dietetics as well as Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Specialists.”
The partnership was officially sealed last week with a visit to the facility by BDFC’s premier team captains, Zoe Zagami (GMT) and Will Thackway (BBC). They were met by owner, James Sutherland, and Craig, who gave them a tour of the state-of-the-art facility, just a stone’s throw from Callan Park – exploring the gym and physio room downstairs, through to the podiatry clinic and Pilates studio upstairs.
Sharing core values of participation, diversity and inclusion, BSM will be able to help BDFC provide more opportunities for our members to train, compete and have fun.
Learn more about Balmain Sports Medicine.